Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Day 51 Jacksonville, Florida (WARNING: Lots of Writing)
I loaded up my luggage and we headed into town to have some lunch with Barry, George and Margo. We went via the elementary school so I could say goodbye to Helens daughter. After a super lunch I thanked them all for being such wonderful hosts and being so kind.
The journey to the airport only took a few minutes and there was no queue at the check in desk. I had to pay 50 bucks for my bicycle and ordered to take it to the end of the counter. I said goodbye to my bike as if it was a child. That baby has travelled a long way and I didn’t want it damaged or lost by some numb nuts at the airport.
I had only 90 mins to wait before my flight left so I started my diary. Soon enough I was on the plane and being given some nuts and soda. The take off was smooth but the approach was bumpy due to the horrible weather in Nashville. The flight to Chicago and San Fran was uneventfully. When I picked up my bike box at San Fran I had noticed Customs had cut open the box and resealed it. I just hope they replaced everything and didn’t break anything in the process. The box was looking even more battered than before.
I was met by Jan and whisked back to her place. I arrived later than expected so we only chatted briefly before I retired to bed.
Having hours on the plane to contemplate things I have decided it does actually feel quite strange. I guess I should write something inspiring and thoughtful about my journey but as some of you have probably realised my writing style is worse than a secondary school kid. My illiteracy and shocking ability to express myself will no doubt result in a slur of words. Nevertheless, I shall dedicate the next few paragraphs to thoughts, feelings and anythingness!
So the journey started off completely different to how it ended. I intended it to be an adventure but after hitting the plains and desert of nothingness the trip turned into a challenge of me versus me. This may seem strange and hard to understand but I didn’t feel I missed anything by the change in attitudes. After the Grand Canyon there was nothing on my route that was pulling me in. Of course there are things to see but I was never prepared to complete a humungous detour to see something. Also, the trip was very weather dependant and I was almost forced to head the direction I went.
The feelings I experienced when approaching the finish were very different to any other rides I have completed. For example, when Alison and I got to our goal in Istanbul we both felt very numb and emotionless. There was no feeling of extreme joy or satisfaction. We concluded it was to do with the joy and rewards was the actual journey itself as opposed to getting to the finish. Whereas, this time the journey was not the reward, it was the finishing. As I approached that beach with my fan club cheering, my blood was boiling with excitement. I felt so satisfied with the way I had dealt with scenarios I had been faced with. At times my emotions had been so low but I dug deep and found strength from somewhere to keep me going.
So I left the coast of the Pacific and soon found myself with in the mountainous region known as the Yosemite nation park. The path then lead me to the baroness of Death Valley. Further on, the terrain turned into desert as I passed through Nevada and Arizona. Eventually, I hit the flat planes of Texas where I could see for miles around. Then there was the swamp and marsh lands of Louisiana and Mississippi. Finally, I followed the Gulf Coast but briefly headed inland until I arrived at the Atlantic Ocean.
I have so many people to thank for making my coast to coast journey so memorable. I am amazed at peoples generosity and willingness to help. I have been given accommodation, food, advice and even money to complete my trip. I am in no doubt that I have made some great friends through this trip and may even inspired some people to get out there and live their dream.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Day 50 Jacksonville, Florida
For breakfast, I had coffee and munched on some home made chocolate brownies. Shortly after, I began the dismantling of my bike whilst Helen and Barry reinforce my damaged bicycle box. An hour or so later the bike was in the box and sealed with about 2 rolls of duck tape.
Helen had arranged for us to pop over into Georgia and visit a family hunting lodge to have some lunch and relax for the afternoon. Keen on seeing more of the country, I was definitely up for it. It was only an hour drive away and we were there in no time. The house was located on the river bed surrounded by 18,000 acres. Cypress trees removed from the nearby swamp were used to build the house and it was designed exactly how one would think I hunting would be. It had the maids quarters, the balconies, the creaky staircase and the stuffed trophy heads all around the mansion.
I was introduced to Helen’s sister, her husband and their children. We sat around a fire and drank beer and ate more food. The weather was glorious and it was suggest I went with the younger boys on a speed boat trip along the river to the swamp area. We took one of the dogs and cruised along the peaceful canal for a few miles. Unfortunately we did not spot any alligators or poaches, nevertheless it was great fun.
When we returned the youngest boy Sam took me for a ride around the property in their truck. He is only 15 years old and passionate about hunting. Loose on the front seat were two rifles, a shotgun and I believe there was a 9mm handgun in the glove compartment. I have to admit it felt a little strange but I guess I am not accustomed to that lifestyle. He was talking about his hunting stories which were actually quite interesting. I picked his brain on a few issues but his head was pretty well screwed on for such a young boy.
With the evening drawing to a close we decided to head back home before the mozzies came out in force. I managed to take a few nice photos of the sun over the river leaving only the silhouette of the trees for detail.
We got home relatively late and after a few phone calls we had dinner. Feeling pretty tired I went to bed thinking how lucky I was to be staying with such a cool family. They have bent over backwards to help me and I will be eternally grateful for all their help.
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Saturday, 22 November 2008
Day 49 Jacksonville, Florida
Daily mileage 27 Ride Time 3hr 05min
Avg speed 13.08 mph Total mileage 3093
I woke up buzzing but knew I had some stuff I had to sort out before I could get on the bike and finish the trip. I started the day with a lovely cooked breakfast and coffee. We discussed where the local bike shops are and headed off in search of a bike box. On route we popped into Helen’s friends house as they wanted to meet me and here about my experiences. They told me they had been following the blog and have been fascinated about the ride. It still feels odd that random strangers have been following the ride.
Eventually, we found a beaten up 5ft box that needs some serious patch work but at least the bike will fit. The weather was cold and blustery and I was contemplating leaving the ride until tomorrow as it was approaching 1330hrs. We got back to the house and Helen prepared me a gorgeous burger and I decided I would finish it today.
I loaded up my bike for the final time and we arranged to meet each other at the beach in 3 hours time. I cycled out the drive way and had to stop almost instantly. My emotions were already buzzing and I had to get a grip as I had 30 miles still to go, which were on very busy roads and would require a lot of concentration. It was a struggle but eventually I pulled myself together and found a quite road for the first 10 miles. After passing through the city all I had to do was head due East on Beach Bld for about 12 miles.
That road was busy but I had a few positive cheers from people I had met early and people who were going to be at the finishing line. Every time I received a horn beep I would smile and it would drive me on even faster. The wind was very strong in places but there was no way I would let that get to me.
With the final bridge in sight I could smell the ocean. I climbed up the steep slope and once on the top I caught my first glimpse of the dark Atlantic Ocean. At the last set of traffic lights I saw a few people huddled in the chilly wind on the edge of the beach. I was pumped and so incredibly happy that the end was only a stones throw away. As I got even closer, a hoard of kids with banners were all cheering me on and greeted me with huge, smiles and an applause.
I felt so relieved that I had made it in one piece and celebrated with cold alcoholic beverage. I looked at the ocean and it looked cold and was very choppy. With all the cameras at the ready, I ran into the sea and dived under. Unfortunately, I dived way to soon and scrapped my chest on the bottom of the sea bed. I ran back ashore and got changed out of my soaked clothes before I caught hypothermia!
I had actually cycled the last part much quicker than planned and other friends of my host began to arrive a little later. Nevertheless, it was so nice to have a big welcoming committee. We headed to Helen and Barry’s sons house and had some more snacks and beer. My smile did not leave my face as the moment started to sink in that I would not have to get on that saddle anymore.
Later in the evening, we decided to go to a Irish pub for dinner along with Barry’s brother and wife. The dinner was great and we chatted some more. After dinner we took a stroll along the beach and I could not help but look across the Atlantic ocean and think that will be next.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Day 48 Jacksonville, Florida
Daily mileage 65 Ride Time 4hr 46min
Avg speed 13.64 mph Total mileage 3065
I woke up several times during the night thinking about it all being over very soon. I got up at 0800hrs, had a shower and drank some coffee. With Barry still asleep, I left the house and said goodbye to all the dogs. The glorious tail wind had gone and the usual cross/headwind had returned with anger. Determined not to let that get to me I kept focused on the few miles remaining.
After 20 miles I stopped at a gas station which turned out to be a hunters gathering place. With pictures of dead dear and proud hunters all around the walls I felt a little uncomfortable. I rushed down my fries and chicken and got back on the bike. Within minutes I received an aggressive horn beep from a logging truck for not pulling off the road so it can fly past me. He obviously found it too much to slow down instead he just wanted to bull doze along the road. Thoroughly hacked off at his ignorance, I rode with aggressive until I eventually calmed down and relaxed.
I got very excited when I passed into the city limits of Jacksonville and realised that the end was in sight. Like any city, the traffic congestion started building and there were traffic lights on every block. I knew it was only a matter of time before I received another beep from an obnoxious driver. Sure enough I got the beep and then the hand gesture indicting me to get on the sidewalk. Fortunately we were approaching lights so I got the chance to shout abuse through the window.
It was such a shame because I was on a high of being so close to the finish but as soon as I received that beep my emotions turned to anger. There really was no need and if he had opened his eyes there was even a sign indicting the road is shared with bicycles. Plus, I could be ticketed for cycling on the sidewalk.
I found my couchsurfing.com host house and was greeted by Helen and Barry. There house gorgeous and they live in a lovely location. We went for a short walk down to the river and discussed the logistics for tomorrow. The plan is to find a bike box in the morning and then I will finish the ride to the Atlantic coast in the afternoon.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Day 47 Lake City, Florida
Daily mileage 70 Ride Time 4hr 42min
Avg speed 14.84 mph Total mileage 3000
It was colder in my hotel room than my tent the previous night. If only I found the air conditioning button before I went to bed it could have been a different story! Still feeling stuffed from my massive pizza, I struggled at breakfast. My breakfast buffet effort is not even worth talking about.
I got on the road and instantly felt the wind behind me. The difference was incredible and I sliced up the road with my speed. My spirits never dipped and I felt on cloud nine all day. With the sun shining bright, I revealed my bare torso to the world and got some rays whilst on the saddle. The roads were quiet and I loved every second of it.
I was thinking about where the desire to do these things came from and I have decided to blame it all on the movie ‘Goonies’. I remember watching that film and thinking I want to experience an adventure like that and hear I am doing exactly that. Except instead of finding treasure, the reward will be completing the journey.
I arrived at Barry’s house, my warmshowers.org host, and introduced to his three energetic dogs. I jumped in the shower and weighed myself for the first time in months. I have lost 36lbs/16kg in total. Some of that weight was lost on the Istanbul bike ride but the majority has been during this trip.
We spent the evening chatting and relaxing. It should be another relatively short day tomorrow so I might enjoy a short lay in.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Day 46 Perry, Florida
Daily mileage 68 Ride Time 5hr 05min
Avg speed 13.43 mph Total mileage 2930
I crawled out of my sleeping bag and was slapped in the face by the cold air in tent. The outer tent was soaked in condensation so I slipped out without touching the sides. As I stood up a family of dear where munching on the grass only 10 metres away. I relit the fire and wrapped up warm. I threw the outer layer over a washing line so it could drip dry. I returned about 10 minutes and was amazed that the water droplets had turned into ice!
I set of wearing pretty much everything I had. Fortunately the sun was shining brightly and once out the shadow it was glorious. I was starving and thirsty so I stopped after only 4 miles and had a hot coffee and bun. I sat out of the wind and enjoyed the sun rays beat on my face whilst devouring my food.
The road was quiet and pretty and the first few hours the miles flew by. I think it really hit me that I only have a few days cycling left and that brought a huge sense of satisfaction over me. I had overcome so much during my journey and been pushed to my limits.
The lack of food was beginning to make me feel weak and as if by magic a Subway appeared from nowhere. I had the usual foot long with cookies and soda. I could have eaten it all but decided to save half and eat it later on.
I made a decision to have an easy day so plodded on and paid no attention too my slow speed. I passed over a small river and stopped at a picnic table beside the canal. I found a spot out of the wind and sun soaked for 30 minutes. It was lovely and peaceful.
I arrived at Perry and searched for the motel strip. After some negotiations I checked into a room and ordered the biggest take away pizza on the menu. I spent the evening chatting to friends over the internet and watching a NBA game on TV.
Day 45 Ochlochonee River state Park, Florida
Daily mileage 76 Ride Time 6hr 02min
Avg speed 12.65 mph Total mileage 2860
The wind was strong and cold and I had to cycle with my jumper on. Hoping the wind would pass I tried not to think about it and simply plod on. My nose was leaking like a tap and it 2 hours of riding until I removed my warm clothes. I had a stretch of 30 miles without any supplies and as if by magic a Burger King appeared right before me. Thoroughly stuffed and reenergised I slowly fought the wind until my mind gave up. My average speed may be a bit deceptive because its still relatively average. But what you must bare in mind is how much harder I am having to work to get it that high. My legs are constantly going and powering with each revolution.
I have arranged to stay with someone at Lake City on Thursday and before the day began I thought there may be a chance I could get there on Wednesday if I produce another 100 mile day. That goal soon faded but I decided to push on as much as I could and then have two smaller days. I stopped at a RV park who refused to let me stay and suggested a State Park some 15 miles away.
Eventually I got to the gate entrance and was told it was a further 2 miles of the road but was relieved when they said they would allow me to stay. I was giving a very harsh warning about how cold it is expected to get tonight but I shrugged it off and told her “I’m English don’t you know!”.
I erected my wet tent from this morning and had a very long soak in the shower. I chose the disabled shower so I could sit down, relax and allow my body to warm up. I did an extensive stretching routine and it wasnt until after that I realised I was making groaning sounds from the painful positions I was putting myself through but from an outsider they could have easily been mistaken for something else!
I almost skipped out of the shower block, warm, clean and loose. I returned to my pitch via all the other caravans in the hope to scrounge some food as I had nothing to eat. Nobody was around although I did see some dear hop across the campsite which was kind of cool. I purchased some wood and chilled around the camp fire planning my route for tomorrow.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Day 44 Mexico Beach, Florida
Daily mileage 106 Ride time 7hr 22min
Avg speed 14.42mph total mileage 2,783
I am currently a happy man. I am sitting in my tent slurping down some beer and scoffing some chocolate thinking how I managed to get through today. Physically I feel strong but mentally I am finished but yet I still find something to keep me going. Minutes can sometimes fly by as if they were seconds and at other times they pass slower than hours.
Anyway, I ate everything possible for breakfast and took 5 more muffins for the road. For the first 90 mins I felt terrible and wanted to puke up the food. Eventually my stomach settled and I got into a rhythm. I followed the coast all day and never got sick of seeing the ocean. The water has now turned into an ocean that I would want to take a dip in. Previous to this the water has been murky and dark.
I stopped for lunch at Subway and have become accustomed to their footlong sandwich with cookies and soda. So much so, this is my third one on the trot and I do not intend in stopping that run tomorrow! I reached Panama City and was tempted to call it a day as I had done 80miles but the sun was still high so I decided to push on. The proceeding 26 miles went on and on and on.
I promised myself I would not stay in a hotel tonight so I stopped at the first RV park I saw. They refused to take tents and recommended another site 2 miles away. I followed his directions and ignored the motels on route. I got to the campsite and had a good giggle with the owner. He pointed out my pitch and said he would be going to the gas station for beer later should I want some. Hell yeah, I said.
I went for a little wonder around the campsite and noticed this sign only 60 metres from my tent. I spoke to a fellow camper who states there is a 12 ft alligator along the canal somewhere. My beer arrived and I decided to forget about being eaten alive and turned my thoughts on my next travels.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Day 43 Navarre, Florida
Daily mileage 84 Ride Time 6hr 19min
Avg speed 13.35 mph Total mileage 2677
I woke up early and eager to get on with the day. The night was not as cold as everyone had said but the early morning wind was making the air chilly. I packed up and got to the port 30 mins before departure. Eventually somebody showed up and confirmed the crossing would go ahead. Thoroughly relieved I jumped aboard and went straight to the front of the boat. I hid from the wind and relaxed. I later found out that the ferry seized operations a few hours later.
The ride followed the coast all day but that still wasn’t enough to lift my spirits. I seem to struggle mentally if I havent covered a certain amount of miles by midday and because of the slow start I felt I was playing catch up. Eventually I pulled myself together and wondered why I go through these mood swings.
With the sun coming down I decided to call it a day when I reached Navarre. I was informed there was a RV Park in town but then I saw a Best Western and it attracted me like a magnet. I haggled down the price to something still extortionate and watched the sun set outside my room. I cant wait until the breakfast buffet tomorrow as I have only eaten a subway sandwich, a honey bun and 3 Hersheys bar.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Day 42 Dauphin Island, Alabama
Daily mileage 71 Ride Time 5hr 05min
Avg speed 13.83 mph Total mileage 2592
I woke up a little later than intended but was still on the road before 0800hrs. I said goodbye to Linda and thanked her for having a brilliant day yesterday. The wind was strong as predicted but was easing me along for a change. I was conscience the day off had put me behind and I found myself doing all sorts of mathematics to work out what was required to reach my goal.
The riding slowed as my direction turned into the wind. It was time to listen to some music and let my mind drift away from the fact I was so close to finishing. I crossed into my penultimate state, Alabama, which is always moral booster. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, albeit brief, in Mississippi. Later on in the day I had to take a ferry across from Dauphin Island to the Bay on the other side, some 2 miles away. By taking this route I avoided a major city and the chaos involved in cycling through it.
I finally got through and was told the news I didn’t want to hear. The ferry had seized operation at 1100am, some two hours ago, due to the high winds. I was adamant I was not going to cycle into the head wind and decided to head towards the ferry and camp opposite the port and hope it will be running in the morning. This is a really big gamble as I have been told the weather is meant to be freezing tonight and windy tomorrow.
I still managed my 70 miles as required but that will be irrelevant should the ferry not be running tomorrow. I hope I haven’t made the wrong decision.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Day 41 Biloxi, Mississippi
I was then picked up by the sports coach of Biloxi high school and introduced to the principle. I was asked to go to a mixture of classes and give a 20 minute talk to each. I happily obliged and had some fun. In general, the kids response was positive and appeared genuinely interested. Mind you, most of them were more intrigue to simply hear an English accent. However, even if it inspired them in the slightest way I was satisfied with my efforts. The most amazing question I was asked today is whether I had had to kill lizards and snakes and eat them. Much to their disappoint, I hadn’t.
I was given a tour around the high school and was amazed by their sporting facilities. They had an athletics track, softball arena, baseball arena, football field, gymnasium and a basketball stadium. I also got a ride in a police car which brought back memories of my job. Although our police cars are beaten up Astra’s but they drive Dodge vehicles!!
After lunch we headed back to Biloxi with the intention to hit the road for the afternoon. However, last night my crank was starting to make strange noises so I decided to take the afternoon off and seek a bike doctor to give it a quick once over. It was a risky decision as I have to make Jacksonville by Friday 21st. The evening was spent chilling as I plan to be on the road very early tomorrow.
I want to thanks everyone today for all your generosity and support. These experiences is exactly what I wanted from this trip and if I can open up peoples desire and ambition to achieve their goals, then my job is done.
Day 40 Biloxi, Mississippi
Daily mileage 88 Ride Time 6hr43min Avg speed 13.01 mph Total mileage 2520
The day had finally arrived when I had to put on my clean pair of cycling shorts and hit the road once more. I woke up early and said my farewells to Kayla as she had to go to school. I then showered and made the most of all the homely things around the house as I was not sure where the night would take me. I decided to wait until the morning rush hour had passed so I packed up slowly and chatted with Duffy. The time came and I had to go. I said goodbye to Duffy and the dog and thanked him for their great hospitality.
The route out of town was no where near as crazy as the way in and infact the worst part was the rubbing from my cycling shorts. They felt so uncomfortable but then I realised I had put them on back to front! A swift stop at the rest rooms sorted that out.
Within about 15 miles I was away from the traffic and gliding along a road that was slicing up the marsh land. The sky was blue and the only sounds I could hear were the birds tweeting. I took my first stop after 3 hours at a little place called Pearlington. I sat in a chair and watched the world pass by. Just as I was about to leave a lady called Linda passed by and ask me what I was doing. One thing led to another and she wanted me to get on television and visit some schools in the morning. I spoke to the TV studio over the phone and they showed great interest and said they would liaise with Linda. Linda is an energetic lady who can pull lots of strings and has contacts pouring out of her diary.
Linda suggested I make it to Biloxi where she will arrange some accommodation for me and some dinner at a casino. The route kissed the Gulf Ocean and it was a real pleasure to cycle beside. With the sun setting, I met Linda who took me to John’s house. I jumped into the shower and we headed to the Imperial Palace Casino for a complimentary buffet dinner. We met another friend of Linda’s and I apologised in advanced for the amount of food I was about to consume.
I rated my buffet effort as a So-So Silver. 3 full plates of main course, a seafood gumbo and for dessert one bowl consisting of a cookie, 3 brownies all covered by a chocolate fountain sauce.
We returned to the house and discussed the logistics of the school and TV visits for tomorrow.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Day 39 New Orleans, Louisiana
I have 9 days to get to Jacksonville, which leaves me 2 days spare before boarding my plane. I have calculated the daily mileage at approx 70 miles. The route will be following the gulf coast for at least 4 days so I am hoping to be able to camp on the beach.
My body aches have gone and the last time I checked the rashes have cleared. Physically I am ready to go but mentally I am done. I had focused so hard on getting to my friends house, it felt as though the trip was over. I am sure once I am back on the road my focus will return. The flights I have purchased can not be changed so I am hoping I do not have any more break downs. Fingers crossed people!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Day 38 New Orleans, Louisiana
In the evening we went to a local Italian restaurant as Tuesday is 2 dollar pitcher day. Several pitches and a 14inch pizza later I was sufficiently stuffed and we retired back to the house. After being whipped by Kayla at bowling on the Wii I went to bed in a bad mood! I am sure my controller was damaged!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Day 37 New Orleans, Louisiana
When Duffy and Kayla got home we went into town for a traditional dining experience. I ate everything including the food on Kayla’s plate! Afterwards we meandered through the groovy French quarter and soaked up the flavour aswell as some interesting cocktails. Several beers and cocktails later we decided to head home so Kayla could get on with her studying and Duffy and I could blast the hell out of each other on the Xbox. As usual, time flies when the box is in full flight and after only two victories on my behalf we called it truths just after midnight.
Monday, 10 November 2008
Day 36 New Orleans, Louisiana
The eeriest part of the tour was seeing the only remains of the property being a concrete porch. The house had simply disappeared leaving a concrete pillar. In some parts people had made the difficult to decision to move back to their house and start again but have had a boost by companies offer unique energy saving houses.
We returned home where Duffy had changed his role from a tour guide to a chef. Whilst he prepared a unique dinner I got rid of all my hair. I felt normal again.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Day 35 New Orleans, Louisiana
With Duffy spending most of the night with his head in the toilet he was feeling quite unwell and tired. For once, his condition was not alcohol related but I felt a little hung over as I drunk more alcohol than water yesterday whilst having cycled a record 124 miles. We had a massive palaver trying to get Duff some medicine but got it in the end.
We arrived at the game, along with the other 93,000 people and the place was pumping. Its hard to describe as the place was simply electric. I am not even talking about inside the stadium. They have these feasts called tailgates were people bring there RV, truck, car and have a selection of food and beer in front of their vehicle. As well as that they have music blasting and people are cheering and dancing. Some even erect satellite dishes so they could watch the pre match build up. It was fabulous to witness.
The aim at these games is to get pretty tanked up on alcohol prior to going in and if you are extra sneaky, try and smuggling in small bottle of spirits. Instead, I drank the majority of my Jack Daniels and Mr Bean prior to going in but it was fun watching everyone hide theirs. The atmosphere was so friendly, even between rival fans.
We walked up the stadium stairs and then out onto our seats. The stadium itself was packed to the rafters and was awesome. The game got on the way after the band and cheerleaders did their thing. Considering this is only college ball I could not believe the support and money that was being used in such an event.
I ate everything American I could, which included, hot dogs, soda, popcorn and peanuts. LSU were expected to get thrashed but kept it level all game. Alabama had a chance of clinching victory with the very last kick of the game but were unbelievably denied by an incredible block from LSU. The game went into overtime and Alabama snatched the win. They are presently the number one team in the country but did not look that good after today’s performance. However, with the noise the fans were making that must have been a hard stadium for any away team to play in.
During the drive home I was beginning to feel very fluey and my bones were aching. My nose was leaking and I feared I was getting the dreaded man flu. We got home just in time to watch the Cazaghe Vs Jones fight I so desperately wanted to see. After another brilliant display from the Welshman I retired to bed buzzing from a fabulous day.