Daily mileage 93 Ride Time 7hr 11min
Avg speed 12.90 mph Total mileage 2185
A friend once told me he hated two things in life; Flies and Work. I naturally agreed but after today I have decided to add to that list. I don’t like headwinds. Its been so tough at times I don’t know where I have found the desire to keep going. I would scream and shout and almost fall into tears from the frustration. I really want to reach my friends in New Orleans by Friday, but to do that I will have to produce two massive days.
I had a good nights sleep and woke prior to my alarm at 0600hrs. I packed up and made use of the bushes for the toilet. I broke the record today by being on the road by 0640hrs but stopped shortly after as I hadn’t eaten the night before and was hank marvin. I found out by some locals that Obama had won the election and according to them he will be the next Sadam Hussain! I didn’t really care who won but I wanted the Obama to win because he was black and I was interested how America would react to that. I haven’t heard any direct racism but you can tell in the undertone of some of their voices.
I had the munchies all day and couldn’t stop eating. I was definitely working harder than I thought and needed the calorie intake. Eventually I crossed into Louisiana and I was glad to see the back of Texas. Crossing that state line was a major reality check of how far I had come. There was no officially sign so I took a picture of this one.
The day wore on and I was getting slower and slower. I arrived in a quaint village called Singer and stopped for some desperately needed food. I had been weak and shaking for the previous 6 miles. I spoke to owner who offered me a spot to camp behind the shop. Once again I found myself in a dilemma as there was about 90 mins of day light left. The other problem is that there is a lot of dear hunting going on at the moment and I didn’t fancy wild camping and being woken to the sound of a bullet shooting through my tent. I decided to stay and relax and hope the wind is kind to me tomorrow allowing me to catch up on those miles.
Whilst I was chilling outside the store I got speaking to these two high school girls, called Morgan and Chelsie, who insisted they are classic country hicks and wanted to take me to church tonight. I declined their kind offer and we chatted some more. They seemed happy simply to have spoken to an Englishman.
I watched the sun drop and the mozzies disappear into the night. Before I forget, I was wondering if anyone, or knows anyone, has spare £15,000 they can donate to me so I can enter into the Woodvale Record breaking attempt of rowing the Indian Ocean on 19th April 2009. If anyone has an suggestions email me at krisbearryman@yahoo.co.uk. I am serious about this but have no idea where I could generate that sort of money.
Total Spent: 26 bucks
1 comment:
Kris.....my sister Anne (from greeley hill) asked me to let you know that she is having some problem w/ her making a comment and sending it..........although she is able to get to your blog. graham
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