Daily mileage 27 Ride Time 3hr 05min
Avg speed 13.08 mph Total mileage 3093
I woke up buzzing but knew I had some stuff I had to sort out before I could get on the bike and finish the trip. I started the day with a lovely cooked breakfast and coffee. We discussed where the local bike shops are and headed off in search of a bike box. On route we popped into Helen’s friends house as they wanted to meet me and here about my experiences. They told me they had been following the blog and have been fascinated about the ride. It still feels odd that random strangers have been following the ride.
Eventually, we found a beaten up 5ft box that needs some serious patch work but at least the bike will fit. The weather was cold and blustery and I was contemplating leaving the ride until tomorrow as it was approaching 1330hrs. We got back to the house and Helen prepared me a gorgeous burger and I decided I would finish it today.
I loaded up my bike for the final time and we arranged to meet each other at the beach in 3 hours time. I cycled out the drive way and had to stop almost instantly. My emotions were already buzzing and I had to get a grip as I had 30 miles still to go, which were on very busy roads and would require a lot of concentration. It was a struggle but eventually I pulled myself together and found a quite road for the first 10 miles. After passing through the city all I had to do was head due East on Beach Bld for about 12 miles.
That road was busy but I had a few positive cheers from people I had met early and people who were going to be at the finishing line. Every time I received a horn beep I would smile and it would drive me on even faster. The wind was very strong in places but there was no way I would let that get to me.
With the final bridge in sight I could smell the ocean. I climbed up the steep slope and once on the top I caught my first glimpse of the dark Atlantic Ocean. At the last set of traffic lights I saw a few people huddled in the chilly wind on the edge of the beach. I was pumped and so incredibly happy that the end was only a stones throw away. As I got even closer, a hoard of kids with banners were all cheering me on and greeted me with huge, smiles and an applause.
I felt so relieved that I had made it in one piece and celebrated with cold alcoholic beverage. I looked at the ocean and it looked cold and was very choppy. With all the cameras at the ready, I ran into the sea and dived under. Unfortunately, I dived way to soon and scrapped my chest on the bottom of the sea bed. I ran back ashore and got changed out of my soaked clothes before I caught hypothermia!
I had actually cycled the last part much quicker than planned and other friends of my host began to arrive a little later. Nevertheless, it was so nice to have a big welcoming committee. We headed to Helen and Barry’s sons house and had some more snacks and beer. My smile did not leave my face as the moment started to sink in that I would not have to get on that saddle anymore.
Later in the evening, we decided to go to a Irish pub for dinner along with Barry’s brother and wife. The dinner was great and we chatted some more. After dinner we took a stroll along the beach and I could not help but look across the Atlantic ocean and think that will be next.
Well done, awesome ride, great achievement
Well done on the completion of another great adventure. Your daily blog has very interesting and entertaining.
Well done, it must have been an awesome ride and a great achievement. Your daily blogs showed your determination, drive and a personal satisfaction. An inspiration to all. Well done again.
Mum & Dad xx
Great job! Congratulations! But for Alison's sake, hold off on the rowing trip! Instead, bring her with you back to the US for another visit NOT on the bike!
The girls in your video are so adorable! I am sure you have inspired them and many others to go for their dreams! Great job!
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