Daily mileage 76 Ride Time 6hr 02min
Avg speed 12.65 mph Total mileage 2860
Daily mileage 76 Ride Time 6hr 02min
Avg speed 12.65 mph Total mileage 2860
I was horribly disturbed by my alarm this morning and once I turned it off my head was still ringing. I assumed that was to do with the six pack of beer I drank. I packed up and rushed down the road for a coffee and Subway breakfast roll. It tasted so good!
The wind was strong and cold and I had to cycle with my jumper on. Hoping the wind would pass I tried not to think about it and simply plod on. My nose was leaking like a tap and it 2 hours of riding until I removed my warm clothes. I had a stretch of 30 miles without any supplies and as if by magic a Burger King appeared right before me. Thoroughly stuffed and reenergised I slowly fought the wind until my mind gave up. My average speed may be a bit deceptive because its still relatively average. But what you must bare in mind is how much harder I am having to work to get it that high. My legs are constantly going and powering with each revolution.
I have arranged to stay with someone at Lake City on Thursday and before the day began I thought there may be a chance I could get there on Wednesday if I produce another 100 mile day. That goal soon faded but I decided to push on as much as I could and then have two smaller days. I stopped at a RV park who refused to let me stay and suggested a State Park some 15 miles away.
Eventually I got to the gate entrance and was told it was a further 2 miles of the road but was relieved when they said they would allow me to stay. I was giving a very harsh warning about how cold it is expected to get tonight but I shrugged it off and told her “I’m English don’t you know!”.
I erected my wet tent from this morning and had a very long soak in the shower. I chose the disabled shower so I could sit down, relax and allow my body to warm up. I did an extensive stretching routine and it wasnt until after that I realised I was making groaning sounds from the painful positions I was putting myself through but from an outsider they could have easily been mistaken for something else!
I almost skipped out of the shower block, warm, clean and loose. I returned to my pitch via all the other caravans in the hope to scrounge some food as I had nothing to eat. Nobody was around although I did see some dear hop across the campsite which was kind of cool. I purchased some wood and chilled around the camp fire planning my route for tomorrow.
1 comment:
Dude, I know it's a little late, but get on to the site, it's a chess site disappointingly, but I'm currently playing 3 different players, one of whom I've been playing for 22 days and counting.
Check it!
Incidentally, what part of Florida are you aiming to finish in?
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