Daily mileage 64 Ride time 6hr 13min
Avg speed 10.26mph total mileage 522
I ignored my alarm several times this morning and refused to get out of my sleeping bag. Eventually, my disciplined hat came on and I sprung into action. I made a decision to exit Death Valley from an alternative point as I was concerned for the 70 miles without food or water and two mountain passed I would have faced. This did annoy me as it meant missing out on Badwater point, the lowest point in America, and it was supposed to be a spectacular ride.
The wind was back with a vengeance and was in my face for the first 5 miles. I stuck on my ipod and tried to ignore the pain until a loud sound was rhythmically resonating around me. To my horror I worked out the sound was coming from my bike. The last thing I wanted to do was break down in Death Valley. I had visions of my skeleton lying on the side of the road after being pecked to death by vulchers. Fortunately, it was only a screw that had come loose on the mudguard but it did require me to remove everything off of the bike.
After 3 hours I had climbed the pass and was at Death Valley junction. I popped into the hotel for some sandwiches that was advertised on the side of the road. They were actually frozen and required microwaving before I could eat them! I was in pain, tired and fed up of the strong head wind. I was really considering calling it a day but that would have meant a massive effort to get to Las Vegas tomorrow. I slapped myself around the face and told myself to get on with it. A bought a frozen sandwich to go and put my head down hit the road.
Within a few miles I had left my first state and crossed into Nevada. The next 25miles was uneventfully and the isolation really hit me. All I could see was a vast expanse of nothingness. I made a decision that when I get to my destination I would treat myself to a hotel.
I have become very preoccupied with time, distance and the desire to keep going on. I am constantly working out the time it will take to get to my goals and feel guilty if I stop to eat. It keeps coming back to efficiency, so much so I am becoming obsessed with wasting time. I must stop this because it making me push harder then my body is currently capable off.
At approx 1730hrs I checked into a Best Western hotel and reluctantly paid the extortionate price. The lady wasn’t budging on the room rate and almost laughed at my haggling attempt. I thought to myself, you wait until that buffet breakfast I am going to eat so much of the food you will have to cart me out!
I went to my room and ran the bath and made a coffee. I was not going to get out of that bath until my fingers went wrinkly. I rigged up my laptop so I could watch a movie from the bath and felt in heaven. The colour of the bath water looked like a sewer once I got out. I spent the next few hours typing away on the internet naked so all my bits could heal themselves. On that lovely thought I shall say goodnight….
Chin up, soldier! Just remind yourself, that as brown as everything you see now is, Louisiana is as much green. And flat.
Once you get across West Texas, it's all pretty much dead flat from there on.
Are you doing any better? Did the Best Western treat you well? Duffy is right -- Texas is flat and boring! But there is a party waiting in Louisiana and highest hill is a speed bump!
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