Saturday 18 October 2008

Day 14 Highway 93 South of Hoover Dam, Arizona


Daily mileage 67 Ride time 5hr 15min
Avg speed 12.38mph total mileage 647

Alarm rang at 0600hrs and I began packing my gear. Kevin and I had oats and coffee for breakfast and we decided to pop to Wal-Mart for some groceries. When I returned home last night I noticed I had developed a flat tyre so I fixed that before leaving the house.

I thanked Kevin profusely for his hospitality and eventually got on the road by 1030. I had no idea where I was going to end up tonight as the environment will be very baron. It took about 2 hours to get out of Vegas and I had to ride on my first motorway, albeit brief. The ride to the Hoover Dam was congested and hilly. I passed a cycle race that was about to start in Boulder City and was very tempted to join in. I could tell I was feeling fitter now than when I first left 2 weeks ago.

The main road actually passes over the Dam and I took some more dam photos! There were tourist everywhere and many of them were taking photos of me. Lots of people were asking what I am doing and when they reply “that’s a long way to Florida son” I shrug my shoulders as if to say no problem In truth, I cant wait for the day when people reply “not far now son”.

With the heat hitting low 90F I was running out of water very fast. There was nothing between the Dam and a bar some 30 miles away, so I took the opportunity to fill up when I could see some tourist.

With the sun setting around 1730hrs, I was hoping that bar would let me camp there. I rocked up with little sunlight left and they showed me a spot in front of someone’s trailer. I went to the bar with all my belongs as I didn’t trust my stuff around there. Most of the folk could barely string a sentence together, but the swear words were easy to distinguish. I had a few beers and snuck away. I had a bad feeling they would transform into creatures after midnight and I didn’t fancy being on the menu!

I retired back to the tent and the owner of the trailer came out. Couldn’t understand a thing apart from Vietnam War. Hopefully, my bike and I am still around in the morning. I am setting my alarm early tomorrow, wonder why!!

1 comment:

CooperationGuru said...

Kris - check last post, we left a message - Gary