Saturday 18 October 2008

Day 15 Highway 93 Wikieup, Arizona

Daily mileage 99 Ride time 7hr 24min
Avg speed 13.39mph total mileage 746

I slept really well and woke up as the sun came up. I popped into the bar for a coffee and was on the road by 0730hrs. The wind was smacking me in the face as I plodded along. I had 45 miles to go before I could get some food and water. The terrain was flat and I tried to put my mind elsewhere and away from the throbbing pain in my left knee.

I stopped after an hour to munch on some snacks I had in my bag and then put it in a 150min stint on the saddle. It felt good to get to Kingman but I was very aware that the next leg meant I had to ride on the motorway for 18miles. I didn’t stop for long as I knew I had another 50miles to my destination. The route out of Kingman was on the famous route 66. After a brief spell I joined the motorway. The hard shoulder was littered in glass and pebbles and I was thinking this would be a terrible place to break down.

The heat was insane and I sweated buckets. I have a line of spots forming across my forehead where my helmet rubs. I also have a line of spots forming elsewhere but I shall spare you the details for once!

Eventually I turned off the motorway and begun heading south on the 93. The road was very narrow and there was no hard shoulder. The traffic was thick but there was no alternative route. I kept a close eye on my mirror and wished the miles would tick away quicker. I drank my water sparingly but soon ran out. The more I thought about water the worse it got.

I had been praying all day that there would be a camp at Wikieup and to my delight there was. My speedo read 99miles which irritated me a bit but I was so desperate for a drink I didn’t care. I had a glorious shower and went to the restaurant for a pizza. I bought a 16inch and devoured most of it. The remaining is in the box under my roll matt waiting for breakfast time. I cant leave it outside in case the ants get to it!

I got speaking to the owner who informed me that there was nothing for the first 72 miles tomorrow. I have decided I will down lots of liquids for breakfast and take an extra 1.5l of water. I should really take an extra 3l but I don’t want to carry the weight. Decisions, decisions…..

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