Saturday 11 October 2008

Day 7 Bishop - highway 395
Daily mileage 42 Ride time 3hr 05min
Avg speed 13.56mph total mileage 289

That gale I hoped didn’t return did and I had a horrific nights sleep. Last night I got speaking to another camper and he suggested I camped on his pitch besides his Recreational Vehicle to save money and to get some cover from the wind. It didn’t make much of a difference as the wind was so strong the tent was being blown inwards, which resulted on the inside sticking to my face! At 6.30am I decided to get up to try and dismantle the tent before it blew away.

The commotion woke my neighbour who offered me coffee that included a liqueur cream that really hit the spot. Lou and I chatted for a while and he gave me some advice about what to expect. My lips were chapped from the cold and my skin was covered in salt crystals. I haven’t had a shower in 2 days of extreme riding. I wasn’t that concerned as I thought I would be able to clean myself up when I met my host.

I got on the road by 8am and enjoyed the tail wind, albeit brief. The air was still very cold and I had to wear my woolly hat and jacket. I listened to my ipod and the next minute I found myself at Bishop. I went to the address of my host but there was no sign of life. I went to their neighbours to confirm they lived there but was informed they were probably at work and are not normally back for another 5 hours. I decided to head into town and find bicycle shop and have the gears given another once over. With hours to kill, I went to library and email my host in case she checks her account at work. I received a reply stating she was out of town for the weekend and thought I was coming later in the month. Nevertheless, she offered me her yard to camp in and to help myself to her tomatoes.

I returned to her house and set up camp and analysed the route to Death Valley. Whilst making dinner the winds finally died down but then I was treated to a snow storm!! I have been feeling pretty shitty today. Its probably a combination of a lack of sleep, a desperate need for a shower and laundry and something to do with the fresh boils I am getting on my arse.
This video was meant to be on yesterdays log1

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