Sunday 5 October 2008

Day 2 Greeley Hill (WARNING lots of writing)

Stats: Daily mileage: 29 Ride Time: 3hr 30 Avg speed: 8.46mpg Total miles: 114
If I wrote today’s entry a few hours ago I would be screaming at the world and kicking myself for doing such a stupid trip! Instead I am sitting in a caravan drinking a bud whilst munching on a massive bag of chocolate M&Ms thinking life is pretty interesting if you let it.

I woke up this morning to the tears of my bottom pleading for me not to get on that cheese splicer of a saddle. I stretched out and got instant cramp in my legs. In a sadistic moment I laughed at the pain and secretly enjoyed it. I packed up and left my little house and hit the road. It took about 20mins before I could sit on the saddle and I could barely keep the speed over 10 mph. I had no food and very little water left and was in a desperate situation.

All I could think about was M&Ms and coke. I checked the map and prayed a shop would be open in Chinese Camp. An hour later I arrived there and discovered the town consisted of one gasoline station and that was closed. I assumed it was because it was Sunday as it was 9.30am. Fortunately there was a coke vending machine out the front so I bought copious amounts of pop and sat in front of the shop looking very sorry for myself.

About 30 mins later I heard this strange buzzing sound. I could not see where it was coming from and then all over a sudden Elvis Presley’s “Suspicious Minds” came belting out a set of speakers above my head. Then I heard the unlocking of the shop door and was greeted by short stocky man. He offered me some coffee and gave me some complimentary chocolate. That coffee tasted amazing. We chatted for a bit and he warned me about a road that lies ahead. He explained there are two possible routes that lead to the same point but I would have to choose between the long winder road or the short steep one. With my spirits lifted I hit the road and past a beautiful lake.

For the past two days I have noticed my bikes gears have not felt right but I chose to ignore it and look into it when I come across the next bike shop. Besides it was serviced just before coming out to the states so I didn’t expect any problems. Anyhow, I got to the split and chose the short steep road. I wanted the challenge of a real tough climb and boy that’s what I got. I had to drop it down to the bottom gear and was averaging about 5/6mph. I pulled over at a lay by to grab some water. A truck pulled over and offered to take me to the top but I politely refused. I wiped the dripping sweat from face, took a deep breath and pulled away. Within about 100m my chain went “SNAP”. I looked down and thought “F***”. In my 10,000miles I have covered by bicycle I have never snapped a chain. I did not have a spare either.

I was in the middle of nowhere and didn’t know what to do. I was looking at all the oncoming traffic with a face of desperation but I got nothing in return. I thought about contacting my hosts from San Francisco but they were about 150 miles away. Instead, I decided to push the bike to the top of the hill. The bike weighed a ton and it took me 40 mins. I was grimacing with every step as the skin on my blister had come off and was rubbing like hell. At the top, I checked the map and the next village was over 5 miles away and I put my head in my hands.

The only solution was to flag down a car and beg for help. The first car was a Chinese couple who said (in an Chinese accent) “I’m sorry sir, I’m not from round here!”. I hit the jackpot with the next car. It was an estate car being driven by an elderly lady. I told her about my predicament and she told me not to worry we will sort it out. I placed all my gear into her car and we cruised down to the next village. She treated me to a coffee and checked the yellow pages for a bicycle shop. The only good shop was over 40 mins away and closed Sun & Mon.

She told me she has a trailer at the back of her property in the forest and took me to a quaint village called Coulterville. I left my stuff in her car while I explored the museum and visited my first saloon. I walked through the two half swing doors, half expecting the music to stop and everyone to look at this English smuck walk through the door. To my surprise I was greeted with warm welcomes and I chilled for an hour on some of their local brew.

I got picked up and taken back to my home for the next few days. It was out in the middle of nowhere and was warned about the bears, mountain lions and deer that have been known to habit the area. We popped down to the local general store and bumped into her neighbour, Kevin. He was telling me he was going hunting for dear tomorrow but he uses his bow and arrow to hunt. I was hoping he would invited me along so I could play Rambo for the day but he didn’t.
We had a lovely salad for dinner and I retired to trailer to write the blog whilst eating M&Ms and drinking beer. I scattered a load of M&Ms outside the trailer in the hope to attract some bears or lions!

I forgot to mention about this old dude I met in the saloon and his theories on life experiences. He agreed this trip will be hard but explained I have been there before and know what to expect. He thinks the older and more experienced you get the more you get worried about things. Also, older people don't fulfil their potential not because they can't do things (e.g. old people can't learn new tricks) but more because of fear and self doubt. He reckons people think you learn about all the things that could go wrong and that starts to take over. He assured me that I am more equipped than ever before from other experience I have done so I will be fine. I guess its all in the head, whats another couple of mountains. Its just that people these days don't try to do it so are filled with fear and doubt. Plus other adults instil more fear and doubt and its an endless cycle.

Thank you oh wise one, I never did catch his name! Maybe it was my guardian angel.

This video was supposed to go one yesterday


Unknown said...

i find myself wondering what is going to happen tomorrow.... you're brilliant! keep it up!

Kayla said...

Kris, just don't get yourself killed! It's a different place here. I am sorry to admit but I did laugh out loud while reading your eventful start. I'm glad the M&Ms did the trick.