Monday 27 October 2008

Day 24 Roswell, New Mexico

Daily mileage 46.7 Ride time 3hr 18min
Avg speed 14.09 mph Total mileage 1429

I am writing this entry in a happy mood, but I have experienced every emotion today. I woke up this morning not knowing where the day would take me but I had my fingers crossed. I spoke to a different receptionist who confirmed the bike doc had definitely closed down, so I decided to cycle into town and speak to the chamber of commerce. I passed Walmart and decided I had nothing to loose by asking the bike department within the store. However, I was informed it was the mechanics day off. Typical.

I eased into town and noticed some bicycles in a car tyre shop. A bloke called Jimmy overheard me telling one of the mechanics I had broke a spoke. After a brief conversation, he suggested taking my bike to an old guy a few blocks away who builds and sells second hand bikes in his yard! We drove to this mans house and I knocked on the door. Unfortunately, he said he didn’t have the tool I needed and told me the closest bike shop was in Roswell, some 80 miles away. With no rail or coach link I was in trouble.

Jimmy chipped in and said he was actually going in that direction but only to Artesia, some 40 miles short of Roswell. I accepted his offer but made a quick phone call and checked the bike shop existed. I was not about to make the same mistake again! Jimmy was a fantastic bloke and had lived in Carlsbad his entire life and currently works on the oil fields. We shared some stories and before we knew it we were there. I took my stuff of the truck and said goodbye.

I loaded my bike up and noticed I left a bungee strap in the truck and that my front tyre had gone flat again. Thoroughly cheesed off, I had no choice but to get to the bike shop as quick as I could. I pumped up the tyre and hit the road. I felt myself constantly looking at the rear wheel buckling on every revolution and the flat front tyre.

After two and half hours I finally got to my destination and started looking for the bike shop. I asked a local who stated I had to go left and it was about 7 blocks away. I turned left as instructed and asked the next person I saw for more direction. I have learnt that you have to ask at least 3 people and take an average on what they say and I am so glad I did. The second man told me it was literally around the corner, not 7 blocks away!

I collapsed into the bike shop and the relief just lifted of my shoulders. I sat in the chair and watched Steve get to work on my bike. With all my problems sorted I popped into the tourist information for some advice. The ladies there were incredibly helpful with one of them giving me 5 bucks for the adventure. I then check into another cheap motel. I couldn’t pass through Roswell and not visit the UFO museum so I decided I would visit it in the morning.

Today has been an emotional day but I feel as though things are looking up and am ready to get this show back on the road. Before I forget, I must mention about this strange rash I am getting down below. Watch this space!


Vassilios said...

Hi mosqueteer:
You have a knack for writing. You have your audience, definitely myself pinned down waiting for the next issue. You've done incredibly well so far. I'm sure your British accent among other things has helped you with the Americans.

Neither snow
Nor rain
Nor heat
Nor gloom of night
Nor the winds of change
Nor nation challenged
Will stay a mosqueteer(like yourself) from
The swift completion
Of his appointed bike tour

One for all and all for one

Unknown said...

Hi Kris,

A broken spoke is a bad sign. Did Steve at the bike shop in Roswell tell you the cause or make any comments about it? I know that you are packing a lot of weight on your bike. I think that if you could decrease the weight you are carrying it would really help. Of course, it is easy for me to say that from the comfort of my armchair.

I'm also concerned about all of the flat tires that you are getting. Is it possible that the problem could be with the valve on the tube not being completely closed? When you were in Vegas I thought that you had an adaptor on top of the valve. Why don't you try removing the adaptor and replacing it with the plastic valve cap (and see if it makes any difference)? Also, be sure that you keep your tires pumped up. When I tour I pump my tires every morning (and I fill them to about the recommended max of the tire -- which should be printed on the tire's sidewall).

In spite of your difficulties you are making great time and should be in Florida by Christmas. Good luck!

Kevin (in Vegas)

Unknown said...

Hi Kris,

After your text last week I have been reading your blog and I must say i'm hooked!! Makes for some great reading.

Still amazed of what you have achieved!

All the best and take care,

Vicks x