Friday 3 October 2008

San Francisco Day begins tomorrow!!!!

Day 3

No alarm, no noise just the sound of silence. I woke up in peace and decided to hunt the web for possible routes out of San Francisco. Its turning out to be a lot more difficult than I thought. I can not cycle over the bridges in the direction I am heading and the roads heading East are all freeways (motorways). I gave up and walked into town via a very interesting district called “Mission”. I would like to describe the people I saw along the way as unique but I think that would be too kind. More like prostitutes, smack heads and drunks. I watched the police search a couple of people and a small hand gun was removed from one of them. I could not see whether it was real or just an imitation. I noticed my walking pace picked up somewhat after that!

I continued into town and met my room mate from my time at the Shaolin Temple in China. We cruised into china town which was actually quite impressive and felt somewhat like Asia as opposed to tourist trap of London’s china town. He showed me around more of the city and pointed out north beach, an area full of strip clubs. We contemplated going but it is bad for your health going that early!

I headed back to my hosts house where Jan had been to a map shop and got me several fantastic maps. I spent the evening pondering routes and packing my bags for my early departure tomorrow morning.

I have been meaning to write this on the last few diary entries but keep forgetting. I must point to all the readers that this blog will not be like the previous ones. By that, I mean the successful “Road to Istanbul” and the “Boys in the Bush” adventures. The reason for this is that I am writing this blog and I can not spell and struggle to put a sentence together correctly. Therefore expect plenty of mistakes so get used to it! I would also appreciate no comments regarding the above. If you don’t like it don’t bloody read it!

I have already noticed that I tend to waffle and start to bore myself with what I am writing. But I shall persevere with the dribble as I am doing this blog to stop my mum from worrying(!) and that I have a documented account of my emotions and experiences.

On more thing, one of the random people I met today was a busker in the “Mission” district. He sat on a crate with a stereo beside him whilst holding a cardboard cut out of a guitar. When the songs were playing he was stroking the pen drawn strings as if he was making the music. I walked past him pissing my pants!.


Alison and Uncle Jon said...

i just want to leave a comment before my mum does!

Unknown said...

Hi Kris

How did you know I would be leaving comments today. uh.....

No honestly, have fun and be careful.

Love Mum & Dad xx

Unknown said...

assume you found a way out of the city ok.

your pictures of san fran look much the same as mine do!

oh and before you ask again i've burnt copies of the dvd's and will send them as soon as i can. they'll be waiting for you when you get home, once you've forgotten all about them.


Vassilios said...

Hi mosqueteer:
As usual, I'm late posting (a day late and a dollar short.) Hope your read it. Be that as it may, you are there for the adventure, i.e., the harder it is the better off you are. When the saddle hurts, remember what the marines say: "pain is weakness leaving the body!!!!"
Be well
One for all and all for one.